Category: 1950s
Ice Moving and Hauling Truck, 1950s
Edward Weinkam ran the ice business for Essex in the 1950s, delivering frozen blocks of ice to customers with ice boxes. The old ice house was located near Commodore Hall. This photo of his ice truck rushing off to make deliveries was taken in front of his brother William Weinkam’s home on Maryland Ave. in Essex.
Source – JoAnn Weinkam Weiland
Date – 1950s
Fire engine at Essex Fire Station, 1957
Cousins Bill Cawley and Sheila Hartman, Woodlynn Road, 1953
Sisters of Mercy visit Baltimore Yacht Club, 1953
Patrolman Nimeck, 1955
Old Hickory BBQ, 1955
Pop’s Discount Toys, 1950’s
Back River Elementary School, 1950
Police Detectives outside New Essex Bowling Alleys, 1950s
Shown in front of the New Essex Bowling Alleys around 1950, Howard Bates and William Weinkam, police detectives from the Essex precinct, seem overdressed for the sport. Nevertheless, bowling was a popular activity not only with league play, but for weekend entertainment as well. The wooden bowling pins at the New Essex lanes were set by hand in the early days. — Jackie Nickel
Source – JoAnn Weinkam Weiland (photo), Jackie Nickel (text)