Safety Town, 1970s Terri Knachel receives her certificate at Safety Town, which was located behind Eastpoint Mall in the 1970s. Safety Town was a miniaturized village used to educate children about the laws of the road. Source – Patty Orndoff Dziuba
Daddy Kool and family, 1970s Ron “Daddy Kool” Alder and family, Baltimore Civic Center car show, 1970s
Ben Taylor Standing in Coffin with Frankenstein Mask On, 1970 Ben Taylor Standing in Coffin with Frankenstein Mask On, Cox’s Point House of Horrors, Cox Point Park, 1970. Publisher – Heritage Society of Essex and Middle River, Inc. Date – 1970
Alex Baumgartner, 1978 Alex Baumgartner, 1978 “Believer — Alex Baumgartner, shown here in the Heritage Society Museum, says Essex has a proud history.” Creator – Walter M. McCardell, Baltimore Sun Date – 3-8-1978
Joe Disco’s Battle of the Baltimore DJ’s, 1979 Joe Disco’s Battle of the Baltimore DJ’s, 1979. Date – 1979-04-12
Super Sunday stage, 1975 Band playing on stage in front of Royal Cue Billiards on Eastern Ave. on Super Sunday, 1975. Publisher – The Heritage Society of Essex and Middle River, Inc.